Our mission
- To provide for the well-being of Ngāi Tahu Whānui within our area with administrative assistance, guidance and management in Spiritual, Cultural, Educational, Moral, and Social and Economic aspects of life.
- To work as Kaitiaki (Guardians) with dedication in the field of Resource Management so that present and future Ngāi Tahu and all New Zealanders are assured a clean sustainable managed environment in which to live.
- To uplift and support Ngāi Tahu as Mana Whenua and to accept our host responsibilities by offering manaakitanga where appropriate to other Ngāi Tahu, Māori individuals and groups living within or visiting our region.
- To develop our Marae Complex so all the above can be carried out – where we may pray, rise tall in oratory, weep for our dead, sing and dance, hold meetings, and house our guests etc. To know that here we belong and have a right to be heard and that this is the standing place of our present generation and will be the standing place for generations to come.
- We offer Information and Advice services from our Riverton Office/Resource Base – which is accessible to all in the community.
- We have instigated ‘Whānau Development’ Days / Hui and Wānanga in Riverton and Colac Bay.
- We awhi young and old and often include Iwi from other areas.
- We encourage the wider community to participate – offering Cultural experiences through Art and Theatre, Concert, Kai and Marae visits.
- We continue to work in the demanding roles of Resource Management and the management of Customary Fisheries – working with local groups, councils, local and government bodies etc.
- We are endeavouring to meet the many needs of Ngāi Tahu Whānui, plus the many others, who constantly seek our input, help and advice.
Kāhui Kaumātua videos
Kāhui Kaumātua
Muriel Johnstone
shona fordyce
Rangimaria Suddaby
stewart bull
stuart ogilvy
alex taurima
dene cole
phil fluerty
teoti jardine
your executive committee
Tracey Wright-Tawha
Sue Crengle
Deputy Kaiwhakahaere
carl church
anna brankin
karina davis-marsden
jane kitson
your tront reps
rewi davis
Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu Representative
Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu Alternate
Holding company directors
Director Chair
lana winders
carl church
todd spencer
ray young